Gasteiz education community calls for the cessation of genocide in a massive Palestinian initiative
  • Hundreds of citizens have joined the call organised by different educational centres, associations of parents and trade unions, Palestinian children are also our own. Stop the genocide! under the slogan. The promoters want to extend the network to the entire Basque Country.
Zigor Olabarria Oleaga @zoleaga1 2024ko maiatzaren 13a
Argazkia: @Gasteiztar1

Since 7 October, mobilizations or collections have been organized in favour of Palestine in different schools and educational centers in Vitoria-Gasteiz, they have been getting a little entangled and by Friday a joint initiative was called in the Plaza de los Fueros. Hundreds of people have gathered in the plaza, including many children. "We cannot normally accept this genocide that is endangering humanity itself, and as we are working on the education of children, we cannot educate future generations on the perception that these substantial violations of fundamental human rights are normal," the organization explains. They recalled that since October Israel has killed more than 40,000 Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank, more than half of the boys and girls, and they have denounced that “everything points” to that amount being “multiplied” by “famines and diseases after the blockade.”

From 18:00 in the afternoon, the attendees have enjoyed many activities in an atmosphere of denunciation and celebration: chocolatada, Gargantua, live music, storytellers... The money raised, as in previous initiatives in Vitoria-Gasteiz, will be sent to the Al Awda hospital in Gaza through the NGO Peace with Dignity.

Ramón Bajo, Aranzabela, San Martín, Zabalgana, Mariturri, Aldaialde, Toki Eder, Barrutia, Abetxuko, Aita Orbiso, Ibaiondo, Lakuabizkarra, Adurtza, Salburua, Ikasbidea, Miguel de Cervantes, Errekabarri Also the unions ELA, LAB and Steilas and the Harro platform of the Basque Public School.

From Vitoria and Bilbao to Euskal Herria?

As in Vitoria, various educational centres, parents and agents have been set up in Bilbao to denounce the genocide against Palestine. The Vitorian initiative member, Markel Elortza, said in the interview to ARGIA that, once the date of last Friday was abandoned, it is intended to expand the woven network in recent months to the whole of the Basque Country. “It’s needed, because unfortunately Israel’s attack does not seem to end in the short term.”

Photos: @Eskola_Público