When Russia launched the “special military operation” on 24/02/2022, who wanted high-quality information had to resort to social media, because the media did not reveal why. Just starting to receive fresh information focused on: The Government of Ukraine is daily bombing the Donbass region of Ukraine, causing frequent deliberate civilian deaths. Hospitals, schools or churches are not delivered. Nor are markets full of citizens, buses carrying personnel or pedestrians walking down the street. But how can you demonize a government bombing citizenship?
It is well known that since the dissolution of the Soviet Union, the US objective is the same dispersion of the Russian Federation. To this end, NATO has been setting up military bases in all the countries that left the Soviet Union during these years, although II. At the end of the World War, he signed that they would not. Why, if ever it is not to attack Russia?
In 2013, EE.UU. designed, financed and activated the “euromaidan” revolt, considering that in Ukraine there were adequate conditions for this attack. The base was their Nazi groups. His most famous action was to set fire to the union house of Odessa in 2014, with many “Russian” Ukrainians. Dozens of people were killed, many of them burned inside the house. The unseizure of the legal president, Yanukovich, the placement of Poroshenko, decided, among other things, to eliminate the Russian official. Then it erupts until today and Krimea first and Luhansk and Donetsk then held a referendum, claimed their independence and decided to join Russia. In response to these movements, government bombings began, which have now become commonplace. This genocial policy was followed by the next President Zelenski and, because of the hatred, beat the Ukrainians from the outset as if they were not Ukrainians. According to the UN, until 2022 the Ukrainian army killed 3,400 civilians. With the current daily bombardments, the number continues to rise.
The EU is protecting Zelenski from the start. The largest number of weapons given to an army and the millions of euros needed to improve the lives of its inhabitants
The EU is protecting Zelenski from the start. The largest number of weapons given to an army and the millions of euros needed to improve the lives of its inhabitants. Despite knowing this genocide and knowing that Nazism is getting stronger. You also know that the measures you have taken to harm the economy of Russia do not harm Russia, but the citizens of Western Europe, increasing food and energy, forcing us to close businesses or to go outside, increasing unemployment, etc. And in the meantime, what policy is the president doing for that help?
To the genocide we have explained earlier, we should now add its reverse: the disappearance of Russian culture. In school and in university you cannot learn Russian, in bookstores you cannot sell books written in Russian, books written in that language have been removed from libraries... Churches of the Russian Orthodox religion, rooted for hundreds of years, are smoking and destroying and arresting priests and nuns… The media, political parties and unions that join Russian sentiments have closed or illegalized and imprisoned many militants. Meanwhile, Nazi symbols are shown everywhere.
The thousands of deaths that are taking place could have been prevented if they had respected the convention signed in 2015 in the city of Minsk in Belarus. Germany’s President, Angela Merkel, in December 2022 extended to everyone her intention to comply with what was signed. Days later, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson and French President François Holland repeated the same message. Consequently, NATO had eight years to train the strongest army in Western Europe in Ukraine. NATO/AEB-EB misled Russia, Luhanski and Donetski.
Faced with the threat of survival, Russia took two decisions in 2022: End the false Minsk process by activating the “special military operation” and signing new agreements with China and many countries around the world to open new avenues to the multipolar world. They strengthen the BRICS, consider dedolarization as the main weapon and launch the multipolar world. We in Europe have something to think about.
*Two options for receiving quality information: Miguel Ruiz Calvo Youtube Channel & Business TV negocios.com
Juan Mari Beloki Kortexarena