The UPV approves the protocol against gender violence
  • The University will set up a committee to deal with cases of gender-based violence. More than 300 people have participated in the elaboration of the protocol that aims to "build a safe environment".
ARGIA @argia 2018ko ekainaren 14a
Sexu-erasoa salatzeko elkarretaratzea Leioan, iazko ekainean (arg:

The University of the Basque Country has a new protocol against gender-based violence, as reported by Leire Imaz Zubiaurre, director of equality at the UPV/EHU, Nekane Balluerka and Izaskun Landaida, director of Emakunde, during the event held in Leioa.

This protocol aims to create an environment that is "free from gender-based violence" and will replace what was done in 2012. More than 300 people have participated in its formation, taking into account the students, administrators, teachers, researchers and employees, and it has been considered an important tool by those present at the event to "offer both help and support" to those who suffer a macho attack in the physical space of the university.

One of the novelties is that the UPV has created a commission to deal with cases of gender-based violence, made up of technicians and members of the preventive, psychological and security services. This committee will have the power to take measures to "ensure the safety of the people involved" and offer assistance to those who have suffered an attack.

In addition, the UPV/EHU will carry out awareness-raising and awareness campaigns, distribute manuals and complete the code of good practices, among other activities. Imaz explains that through the approved protocol they have committed themselves to "resolutely combat and prevent these attitudes and behaviors associated with macho violence until it is eradicated from the university".