The opposition criticizes the Councilor for Equality of Pamplona for "deniationist statements" on gender violence
  • The statements of UPN councillor Carlos Salvador have denounced the “damage” suffered by Geroa Bai, EH Bildu, PSN and the municipal groups of Asturias-With You in the fight against male violence. They also call on Mayor Cristina Ibarrola to withdraw competence in equality policies from Salvador.
Mattin Azpiroz Pagola 2023ko urriaren 10
Carlos Salvador prentsaurreko batean. // Argazkia: EH Bildu Twitter

Due to their “negative attitude” towards gender violence, the municipal groups of Geroa Bai, EH Bildu, PSN and Villegas de Pamplona will present a statement against the councilwoman of Citizen Relations, Participation, Relations with the Elderly, Education, Equality and Cultural Diversity, Carlos Salvador de Pamplona. In the plenary of October 5, Salvador denounced the “denial” of gender violence: “We reject these statements for the damage they do in our city to combat male violence.”

Salvador held a debate in plenary with PSN spokesman Elma Saiz. Saiz asked him if he had to worry because the Equality Councilor denied gender violence. The spokesman was talking about statements by Salvador in 2020. Salvador responded that the thesis of gender violence says that man is genetically more aggressive than woman, and that he does not correspond with her.

Opposition parties have stressed that male violence is the leading cause of premature death of women. Thus, they claim that the issue should be “political priority” and “effective policies”: “A person who does not know what violence against women is cannot make an appropriate policy to fight this scourge.”

In this sense, the parties request the Mayor, Cristina Ibarrola, to “revoke the competition” of equality policies in the hands of Salvador. They also denounce that responsibility has been attributed to someone who denies gender violence: “Machismo kills and must be a major political issue, with effective policies of prevention, care and reparation, to end the suffering of thousands of women and their children and move towards an egalitarian society.”

Salvador has always been related to conservative attitudes. was awarded by the ultraatomic group "for promoting the right to life". The group gave much to say a few years ago about buses that had messages against equality policies and transsexuality. Likewise, in the reform of the abortion law as a deputy proposed the obligation of women to visit fetal ultrasound before the interruption of pregnancy.