Start by stepping on the Basque!
Hainbat sinatzaile* 2024ko irailaren 09a

On May 17, five Euskaltzales of Ipar and Hego Euskal Herria performed an action coinciding with the call made by the students of the Bernat Etxepare lyceum to mobilize in favor of the Basque. On the wall of the Baiona Subprefecture, a message was sent to the authorities of the French state: “Start by stepping the Basque Country.”

Gorka will be tried in Baiona on 10 September for his alleged involvement in this action.

Those of us who signed this paper are one of the first eleven students we have passed the Low of Bernat Etxepare. It was in 1992 and for the first time it was asked that the Lower could pass in Euskera. As then, today we are also very attached to the Basque Country, and from then until today, we have worked for the Basque Country in different areas: teaching, leisure, media, theatre...

Gorka was already tried in March for his involvement in other activities in favor of the Basque country. At the trial, he was forbidden to testify in Basque and sentenced to death. He therefore decided not to intervene in this unfair trial and left the court. However, they continued the trial and were severely sentenced: one month in prison and a fine of EUR 500.

On 10 September, at 13:30 a.m., Euskalgintza will hold a concentration before the Baiona Court in order to denounce the ban on students going to Basque underland, to demand that the leaders of the French and Spanish states stop the oppression of the Basque Country, to demand that justice be done for the Basque country and to show their solidarity with Gorka.

We also invite the Basque people to this concentration.

First generation colleagues from the Liceo Bernat Etxepare terminal:

The team will consist of Aitz Amilibia, Arantxa Irigoien, Egoitz Urrutikoetxea, Esther Perurena, Gorka Torre, Iratxe Gaztelurrutia, Maite Tellechea and Ximun Fuchs.