Centres Gaztetxeak Centro de Respiro de la Comarca
Nerea Fillat El Salto-Hordago @HORDAGO_ElSalto 2021eko urriaren 15

With the closure of the gaztetxe de la Rochapea, a new stage opens in Pamplona/Iruña. In fact, in September 2021, the occupied and autonomous spaces that have existed in the region of Pamplona since the 1980s, created and dressed in the peculiarities of its historical moment, have completely disappeared. It is not known whether this interruption can be long or short, but there has been a great vacuum in the circuits of the city and in the political circles.

There is a big difference between the first places that were occupied thirty-five years ago and the present ones. However, the fundamental pillars are the same: they work without the mediation of private institutions and spaces, and the assembly is the framework for organization and decision-making.

"Gaztetxe is an island of resistance, and island to island, cities become archipelagos and counter-concessions to confront power."

Assembly, horizontality, debate, collaboration, political experience. This is what happens in a gaztetxe or social center: they are places for political experiences and experiments. In fact, the young people of the Region of Pamplona have not had a single objective, survival, but have favored, supported and shared the political conflicts of the time: input, opposition to the project of Itoiz, feminist movement, diverse days, technopolitical...

Gaztetxes offer the possibility of living politics and militancy as passion. They therefore constitute a great treasure for the normalised cities of the twenty-first century, in which the many persecutions, farms and inequalities currently promoted by the system are concentrated. Faced with the inequality generated by the city, a gaztetxe is an island of resistance; and, island to island, the cities become archipelagos and counter-concessions to face power.

In the face of the looks of sad passions, young people make more sense than ever before: A savage farm or an archipelago made up of islands of justice and equality!