Youth protests and strikes at Lapurdi AB to curb climate change
  • In the French State, mobilisations are being made against reform. In the morning, many of the high school students went out to the streets. The French Government has called for a debate on the subject and for an awareness of what has happened. Students want to go further. On Saturday, international mobilizations will continue on the streets.
Mikel Asurmendi @masurmendi 2019ko martxoaren 15
1.200 pertsona bildu ziren iaz klima zaintzaren alde, Baionako Herriko Etxean.

Today it is a global climate mobilization: Friday for the future. The climate strikes and demonstrations are aimed at denouncing the precarious policy being pursued by the French Government. In addition to Iparralde, also in Hegoalde, in Bilbao, Donostia-San Sebastián and Vitoria-Gasteiz, similar protests have been recorded throughout the morning. Nor is the policy of the Spanish Government approved.

Under the motto Fridays for future Pays Basque, ecologists have supported EELV in front of the House of the People of Baiona at 9 a.m. Long live! movement in Angelu, on the roundabout of Cadran, at 10:30.

On International Climate Day the students of the Liceo will be present: “Is it not good to continue learning, if there is no future, if the government itself does nothing to change the serious climate situation?” the students of the lyceum ask.