Coplas of the famous young man
Gorka Peñagarikano Goikoetxea 2023ko apirilaren 05
Mireia eta Joana Vilapuig ahizpek ekoitzi dute \'Selftape\' telesaila, fikziotik kontatutako autobiografia. \'Polseres vermelles\' telesail entzutetsuko bi aurpegi ezagun dira, eta horrek emandako ospea, ospearen kudeaketa, presioa eta emakume gorputzaren sexualizazioa dute hizketagai, besteak beste. Donostiako Crossover jaialdian izan ziren gonbidatu eta primizian eskaini zituzten lehen bi atalak. Apirilaren 3tik aurrera ikusgai dago Filmin-en. (Argazkia: Ricard Cugat / Público)

B. It is one of the television references that marked the adolescence of A. He would like A to be an actor known as B. They both have a gang of friends that doesn't come out of the ordinary, but what differentiates is adolescence. B lived a stranger, participated in a public television series and since then is "famous," his life is different. Or it has a different life, because they see different from the outside.

B ends the night out between the weekend and the drink. He has problems he wants to drown. When you've regained consciousness, your images are trending topic on the networks, they've spread enormously, you can't grab the bar as it was rocking, with the gorda language -- and comments, things like "what's lost." Perhaps I cannot “walk like this” in the future, B. Y A, as yet, wants to be famous. Being famous as the value of easy life.

Questions and coplas

These may be concerns turned into coplas of a famous young man. Or the cocks of two young people, in this case. Joana Vilapuig and Mireia Vilapuig may not, but you will meet the two sisters who are two familiar faces of the Vermelles series (or Red Bracelets, which was translated into Spain). John first entered the series and then Mireia. Juana was 16 years old when the first season broadcast began and Miranda 13. The rise in the scale of fame was very fast, being very young. What seems to think, and cannot be denied, that in view of his cases he reminded me that the prize was recently awarded to the 9-year-old Basaur girl in Berlin.

The child dreamed of being an actor, his dream in teenagers, too soon?. In Derabr, he became the idol of thousands of children who returned to their age. I went to class, maybe I suspended some subject, and in the evenings to recordings, as if nothing happened. Was he able to own everything that was happening to him? I'd like to know no, come on! The young people in the series do not live in a similar way.

There are other questions: What about what has no longer become a star in teenagers? Where has it been lost and why? Will you still know him on the street or will he be another citizen? And so, is he an actor or was he an actor? Do you have more projects or have you failed?


The Vilapuig have worked in co-production the Selftape series (which Filmin has been offering since April 3); the idea, which we have told you, has been 100% the one generated by the two sisters. They began to head around in 2015, when Juana, the older sister, was barely 21 years old. Once the famous series of adolescents was over, the producers proposed to interpret the same character to compete for the same position. They could produce anger, envy, envy -- anyway, problems. But both of them will join.

The series speaks of fraternity, of managing fame, of holding up pressure and of knowing how to separate from your person the image that appears in the bus marquesina.

It will also reflect on the empowerment of women and the sexualization of the woman's body (young woman). And they will claim freedom. Criticize it too. In fact, on pornographic portals there are videos in which their bodies are sexualized, extracted from another film or audiovisual. And apparently, they're legal. Therefore, as a claim and as a criticism, they will also appear in the series.