A Baiona priest has been convicted of sexual abuse, but he won't have to go to jail.
  • The 70-year-old priest has been sentenced to one year ' s imprisonment and five years ' ban on working with minors. Researchers found paedophile content on their computer that was found inside the company. Itaia has concentrated in Baiona, before the trial begins, to denounce the situation in Batasuna.
Manex Usarralde Garmendia 2024ko uztailaren 02a
Baionako elizbarrutia. Argazkia: Manuel González Olaechea

The priest, who was tried on Monday in Baiona, has been sentenced to one year in prison for sexual abuse and pederastia charges. In addition, he has been banned from working with children under the age of five. The Socialist Women ' s Organization Itaia has concentrated on the seat of the Court of First Instance and Equality before the trial begins.

In February, a 20-year-old boy reported being the victim of sexual abuse by a priest in the diocese of Baiona. The bishop, Marc Aillet, started an investigation and put the case in the hands of the Prosecutor’s Office. The judge has agreed to the prosecutor’s request and has condemned the 70-year-old priest for touching, although he will not have to go to jail.

Although the priest denied the aggression, the investigators found a paedophile content on his computer, and the prosecution gave credibility to the complaint. The defendant has linked the possession of images of minors with his search for information to the victim, as explained by EITB.