Israeli army "intensifies" attacks on Gaza
  • Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu lists in an opinion article in The Wall Street Journal the conditions for ending the massacre: "Destroy Hamas," "Demilitarize Gaza," and "Deradicalize Palestinians."
Jenofa Berhokoirigoin @Jenofa_B 2023ko abenduaren 27a
Gazako 1,9 milioi herritarrek haien etxea utzi behar izan dute, biztanleriaren %85ak, Nazio batuen Erakundearen arabera. Argazkia: Mahmud Hams/AFP

Israel has killed 26,000 Palestinians since 7 October and beaten another 55,000, so Benjamin Netanyahu, prime minister, after his stay in Gaza on 25 December, announces that he will "increase" his attacks. "We will continue fighting, intensify attacks in the coming days. The war will be long, it will not end." The warning has been confirmed in recent days. In fact, in the last 24 hours, at least 241 Palestinians have been killed by the Israeli army.

Herzi Halevi, leader of the Israeli gun, announces that the war will last "many months."

In addition, a paper published in the Wall Street Journal details the three conditions for the end of the massacre: "Destroy Hamas", "Completely demilitarize Gaza" and "Deradicalize Palestinian society". Once the "total destruction" of Hamas has been achieved, the next step would be the total demilitarization of Gaza. For Netanyahu, only Israel has the capacity to do so: "[To demilitarize the gauze] We will have to create a temporary security zone in Gaza and put checkpoints on the border between Gaza and Egypt to ensure that no weapons are put on the list." In the future envisaged by Netanyahu, there is no room for the Palestinian National Power PAN, arguing that they educate Palestinian children to "destroy Israel". The latter idea is linked to its third condition of "de-radicalization of Palestinian society".

I have no cuts in the West Bank either, and this morning on 27 December Israel bombed a West Bank refugee camp, causing at least six deaths. According to United Nations data, 85 per cent of the population of Gaza has had to flee from home: It's 1.9 million homeless.

In Bizkitarte, the UN continues with its statements of "concern", but the Security Council has not yet called for a ceasefire, against the US. In its final decision, the Security Council decided on 22 December that "large-scale" humanitarian aid should be channelled "unhindered". Sigrid Kaag, Herberees’ Prime Minister, has just been appointed for his management. Sixteen regrets that the decision is "insufficient": "The Zionist war machine has not deduced the catastrophic situation."

Cold welcome to the Egyptian proposal

Last week Egypt held interviews with Hamas and Islamic Jihad and presented a proposal for the resolution of the conflict. However, it has not received a positive response or much attention. The proposal envisages three steps: a stable ceasefire, an exchange of prisoners and hostages organised in three phases, and a transitional government for Gaza and the West Bank. There has been no official response on both sides at the moment. However, Netanyahu’s statements of recent days clearly show that Israel is not in the direction of the solution.