UPNA breaks relations with Israeli universities that do not reject the Gaza massacre
  • The Public University of Navarra will suspend relations with Israeli universities that do not exclude crimes in Gaza. The Governing Council of the University has unanimously adopted the agreement and has not adopted it. Commercial and academic relations are what it intends to avoid with universities that do not respect human rights. It will only intervene with universities that respect Palestinian international law and reject the crime that is happening in Gaza.
Euskalerria irratia @fm983irratia Maialen Huarte Arano 2024ko maiatzaren 23a

The Public University of Navarra will not maintain relations with anyone who does not reject the harassment of humanity. The Governing Council of the University has taken the decision unanimously, by agreement, and has not taken the decision izanen.Harreman, which is commercial and academic, which it wants to avoid with universities that do not respect human rights. It will only intervene with universities that respect Palestinian international law and reject the crime that is happening in Gaza.

In addition, the UPNA is committed to increasing resources for refugee Palestinian students and will investigate ways of working more with Palestinian universities. It has also announced collaboration with UNRWA and other non-governmental organizations working for human rights, offering opportunities for reflection and generating debate for peace and coexistence. The UPNA will also promote joint initiatives with other universities to call for a definitive ceasefire and has announced its collaboration in the development of curricula and recovery of university and educational institutions in Gaza.

The agreement signed by the university contains a total commitment to peaceful coexistence, justice and human rights and an attitude contrary to any type of violence.