The magazine 'The Lancet' estimates the number of deaths in Gaza by Israel: nearly 200,000 people
  • "It's hard, but it's necessary." This has been revealed by the science journal The Lancet, which has published a report on the deaths in the Gaza Strip. Given the number of deaths, diseases and other indirect factors, it is estimated that at least 186,000 people have died and that nearly 10 per cent of the population of Gaza is at risk of death.
Jon Hidalgo GereƱu 2024ko uztailaren 09a

The Lancet magazine has investigated the consequences of the genocide in Gaza and made an estimate of the number of deaths in the strip. The magazine concludes that "with a prudent forecast" more than 186,000 Palestinians could be killed in eastern Gaza. According to 2022 data from the population of Gaza, about 2,375,000 people, 8 per cent of the population may die from genocide.

The study explains how armed conflicts, in addition to direct violence, generate a large number of indirect damages. In the months and years following the end of conflicts there are many indirect deaths from diseases and other problems. Moreover, given the magnitude of the aggressions suffered by Gaza, the death rate is expected to be "very high", although the Zionist attacks are now over. The Lancet study points to many factors. The health system has been destroyed, food, water and shelter have become virtually impossible, as the inhabitants of Gaza cannot access safe places because they do not exist and UNRWA, one of the few humanitarian organizations that remain active in the Gaza Strip, has lost much of its funding.

In the conflicts of recent years, according to the study, indirect deaths have been much more numerous than direct deaths. At least three times more, and fifteen times more than direct deaths, in the most serious cases. In investigating the genocide in Gaza, researchers have used a "conservative, conservative estimate", which has quantified the number of indirect deaths to be recorded in the country by four. The investigation has resulted in 37,396 deaths, of which 38,153, according to the latest data, and it has been concluded that the genocide in the Gaza Strip could exceed 186,000. You can also predict more, as has been said, if you make harder estimates. There is a risk of serious epidemics in Gaza, as Israel has destroyed its capacity to deal with health problems.

The death toll of 38,000 remains short, according to the investigation, because the Gaza Ministry of Health does not include all unidentified corpses and significantly complicates the follow-up of those who died. However, they recalled that the data have been validated by the UN, the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Israeli intelligence services. On the other hand, thousands of Palestinians have been trapped under the rubble of collapsed buildings, which have not been counted by the authorities. As for the estimates, it is estimated that there are more than 10,000 deaths that have not been located.

Most of the buildings in Gaza have been destroyed by the Zionist army, between 70 and 85 per cent, according to various sources. Researchers in the scientific journal The Lancet say that it is essential to end the attacks and take drastic measures so that medicines, food, clean water and other basic resources can be distributed.