The entire border between Gaza and Egypt has already been taken militarily by the Zionists.
  • They seem to control the entire border line near Rafah. On the pretext of releasing four hostages, almost 300 Palestinians have been killed by the Zionists in Nuseirat. Over the past eight months, almost 37,000 Palestinians have been killed.
Gedar @GedarLangileKZ 2024ko ekainaren 11

With 14 kilometres of border line separating the Gaza Strip from Egypt, the Israeli Zionist State wanted to take it vigorously, as it has repeated on many occasions last month. The Zionist authorities said in May that the offensive in Gaza will continue until 2025 and wanted to "close" the border that separates from Egypt (Philadelphia corridor).

They seem to have achieved this objective, since in recent days they have reported that it has already been adopted in its entirety, occupying a last area of the coast. Last week they said that Zionist sources had "operational control" over the entire boundary line, except on a stretch off the coast.

To occupy the Philadelphia corridor as a whole, the Zionist State has taken the excuse of confronting the "arms smuggling". In fact, it has implied the existence of the "Hamas tunnels" in the area and that it has used this limit to "introduce weapons into the stratum".

Kidnapped, excuse for mass murder

Rafah is near the above-mentioned border, south of the List. The genocidal State of Israel, which began its attack on the land in early May, has on several occasions bombed its refugee camps, killing and wounded hundreds of other Palestinians.

In addition, in recent days, the Zionists have carried out many other attacks. An UNRWA college is attacked in the Shati refugee camp, near Gaza City, with at least three people killed, and, on the other hand, it has committed a major attack in Nuseirat, in the centre of the List, on the excuse of "releasing four hostages." At least 274 Palestinians have been killed and nearly 700 have been injured in this operation and, among other things, have attacked Al-Aqsa hospital.

According to various sources, the United States of America has participated in the operation because the Zionist military has entered the area from the ports built by them. It appears that the Zionists "special units" have entered this area of the List in disguise of humanitarian aid members.

The Zionists resort to the "liberation of people kidnapped by Hamas" as an excuse for criminal operations on Palestinian lands. But in the last intervention in Nuseirat, for example, it seems that it has killed two hostages as well as hundreds of Palestinians. And this is not the first time: in April, for example, at least four "Israeli hostages" were killed in an operation by Israeli State forces in the Khan Younis area, in an air strike.

Almost 37,000 killed

Last week more than 250 Palestinians were killed and 750 wounded by the Zionists in the Gaza Strip. Eight months have recently been completed since 7 October, when the Israeli terrorist state launched a mass offensive. During this time he has killed almost 37,000 Palestinians in Gaza and wounded more than 83,000 people.