How things count
Bittor Hidalgo 2023ko martxoaren 22a

In 2021, 28.6% more Basques than in 1991 make it easier in Basque than in Spanish.

In 2021 45.4% more Basque than in 1991 we make it easier in Basque or at least as easily as in Spanish.

Two awaiting graphs of the cover of Berria on March 21, VII published on March 20. From the summary data of the Sociolinguistic Survey. In smaller titles also positive data: "Knowledge has increased by 12% since 1991 and use has increased by 6.4% / There are 261,000 Basques more than 30 years ago". But the main title, emphasize, negative: "The use of the Basque Country has only increased half compared to knowledge in the CAV in 30 years". Just in case. On pages 2 and 3, the patron of positive data… Among others, it seems that the data of family transmission of language are positive. However, the main negative title, although it is fantastic if we have managed to increase use half of what has gained knowledge. It's a mind-blowing fact. It is impossible to imagine a parallel ascent.

Worse news Title: "44% of Basques are easier to speak in Spanish". Depressive comment. Title of the article: "27% of Basques perform better in Basque than in Spanish". Azpiburua: "The Basque speaking population is down from 34.6% to 27.4% more easily than in Spanish". How bad! Now we are going wrong too! After 30 years. Depressed.

The truth is that, as for the ARGIA data trap, of the 419,221 Basques that we were in 1991 at the CAV, 34.6% of those that made it easier in Basque than in Spanish, we were 145,050. Now, if of the 680,629 Basques, 27.4% are easier to do in Basque than in Spanish, we are 186,492, 41,442 more than then, 28.6% more. And if we look at the number of Euskaldunes we have more easily in Basque or more easily than in Spanish, in 1991 we were 260,755 and in 2021, on the contrary, 379,110, 118,355 more, that is, 45.4% more.

How you want to tell things.

Come on, Basques of heart!

No words in Spanish!

Bittor Hidalgo