The protocol of maintaining the social distance will depend on the structure of the classrooms, as explained by Iparralde's Word. For example, at the Lyceum Etxepare in Baiona, the time to eat will be extended, to avoid agglomerations in the school dining room.
But the directors and directors of the centers see a great gap in the guidelines they have received so far from the Ministry of Education: they do not know what measures they will have to take if a student tests positive and stays at home for fourteen days. - Will a room be closed or will the whole school be closed? question the secretary of the Unsa Teachers' Union, Franc Hialé, according to the media Mediabask. One thing that is known is that the other people who have any relationship with the student who has tested positive will be tested.
The president of the Pyrenees Atlantiques department, Jean-Jacques Lasserre, has announced that ten masks will be distributed to every student in the school. The Word of Iparralde gathers his statements: "I know the costs and problems that these kinds of measures can create in families," he added.
So far this year, SEASKA has managed to have fifteen additional teaching places it needed for the new course. Every year he has to fight to get the jobs needed to adapt to the rise of the students. SEASKA President Peio Jorajuria declared in Gara: "The negotiations have intensified fairly quickly. I think the health crisis has helped us, they didn't want another crisis." But Jorajuria has insisted that if the health crisis were to force classes to be distributed, they would not have the means to do so.