Popo Lar (born in 1962 in Heleta, Lower Navarre) studied electronics, began working and lived with his parents in Heleta. From a young age he worked in sports, dance and theatre groups, in the Arrola de Baigorri group and later in the Xslidei Mirristi group. He also taught Basque at AEK. He began his political career in the People’s Groups.
In the first days of August 1983, the organization Los Norte carried out a series of actions against the tourist structure. The police made some arrests. Other escaped activists took refuge in the León camp in the Landes and the police learned of them by warning those responsible. Beginning to fire between the Jerndarmeen and the Basque militants, the gendarme Yves Guimmarra was killed and another was lightly wounded.
The following is narrated by Filipe Bidart: "Before the shooting began, there was a moment of doubt, when militants and gendarmes took place across the street. At that moment of doubt, Popo fled, as was the Consul. He went into the jungle of the fields. Then the gendarmes started the shooting and the militants reacted. But in that art, Popo disappeared. After the shooting, the militants fled. Then they realized that Popo wasn't there. They tried to find him, but they did not detect him, so they went on their way, because they did not have to stop there."
IK later publicly denounced that according to its investigations, the militant Popo Larre was arrested and killed by the police. Instead, the gendarmes released several different versions, including that he had fled to America. There was no light at the Paris shooting courthouse in 2000. The following chronicle, published by Mikel Asurmendi in LA LUZ, is of the hour: "The question of the shooting in León or the honor of the four militants."
Shortly afterwards, however, Popo’s disappearance was confused with another curious disappearance: when 15-year-old Pascal Dumont, who died drowning on a nearby beach, was taken by the gendarmes to bury him in the cemetery of the town of Carbon-Blanc, seeing his body his parents denied that he could be their son, the body of a young man of greater age. When it was necessary to search for the fact that Popo Larre's body had been buried in Carbon-Blanc, the investigators were prevented by strangers, who searched the tomb and proceeded to steal the bones.
35 years later, although militants from the North have asked a thousand times "Nun da Popo? “It hasn’t been explained. The Basque Memory Foundation commemorates today’s anniversary.