More limited nightlife and prohibited street smoking in Navarre
  • On Monday the Government of Navarra approved the new measures by foral decree, which will enter into force on Tuesday, as agreed by the Government of Spain. The government wants to limit the "worrying" situation.  
ARGIA @argia 2020ko abuztuaren 18a
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The Government of Navarra has established by foral decree new restrictive measures to deal with the expansion of COVID-19. An extraordinary meeting took place on Monday, at which the government adopted new adjustment measures, Interior reported. They will enter into force on Tuesday of their publication in the Official Gazette of Navarra of Navarra.

Among the new measures, the most significant are two. On the one hand, nighttime leisure will be significantly reduced. The Government has decided to close the city's nightclubs, bars and nightclubs overnight. Bars and restaurants must be closed no later than 01:00 hours, and no new customers or partners will be available from midnight. Gastronomic societies should be empty at 01:00 a.m. and drinking on the street will not be allowed. On the other hand, it is forbidden to smoke on the street at times when a distance of two metres cannot be guaranteed.

The Foral Decree also contains other measures that were already in force in the past. Among other measures, to avoid groups of more than ten people, to limit home visits and to carry out PCR tests on residents, as well as to take special measures in the event of further outbreaks.

“Earn Time”

The Government of Navarra attended a press conference to report on precautionary measures. Health Advisor Santos Induráin explained that these are measures agreed with the Ministry of Health and the other communities. Regarding the situation in Navarre, he pointed out that the objective is "to gain time". Indurain says that the spread of COVID-19 is “worrying”, but that in summer a “milestone” can be set.