Mercedes Vitoria to dismiss 500 contingent workers from January
  • The Mercedes plant in Vitoria-Gasteiz will not renew the contract of 500 temporary workers who have been hired by the company. Starting in April, the three-shift production model will no longer be implemented, so the company does not rule out further redundancies.
ARGIA @argia 2020ko azaroaren 11
Gasteizko Mercedes auto lantegia. Argazkia: Hala Bedi.

The news has been received in Spanish by the media Hala Bedi and has been published by the newspaper El Correo in its printed edition. The management considers that it is not possible to keep the three shifts without applying an employment regulation dossier. In this regard, they have pointed out that there is a "big gap" between production capacity and market demand.

The non-renewal of temporary contracts will affect some 500 workers at the plant, as confirmed by the Alavesa plant’s own director, Emilio Titos. The decision will affect the night shift and will affect the first quarter of 2021.

Titos himself has not ruled out cuts and dismissal of permanent workers from April, a month in which the three-shift production model will no longer be implemented.

According to the trade unions, the announcement of the management responds to a strategy that seeks to condition the negotiation of the collective agreement, which should begin shortly.