The workers of Glovo de Vitoria-Gasteiz posted backpacks on Saturday to report the latest changes in the company's working conditions. Last July, Glovo decided to reduce the minimum fee to be paid by the ‘riders’ from EUR 2.5 to EUR 1. Faced with this measure, some twenty distributors of Glovo de Vitoria-Gasteiz have made a strike to claim “the improvement of working conditions”. They claim ‘dignified profits’, proportional to the service they offer.
The company arrived in Álava in 2018 and since then the presence of Glovo workers has increased. These workers work as ‘false self-employed’ and must bear the costs of social security and VAT. The latest measures taken by the company have resulted in Glovo’s distributors having seen their salary significantly reduced. In addition, they have denounced that the company has been delayed in paying its receipts.
Glovo punishes the ‘riders’ who went on strike. The application of the distribution company qualifies its distributors by points and lowers the scores of strikers, which will result in a reduction in working hours and income for the affected workers. However, the threats will not paralyse the Glovo workers and announce more days of strike if they do not meet with the same companies.