Artech-Hitachi's indefinite strike in Vitoria interrupts production for a week
  • On Friday, January 27 at 13:00, a concentration will be held in the Plaza de la Virgen Blanca. These include negotiation and wage increases.
Hala Bedi @halabedi 2023ko urtarrilaren 25

On 16 January the indefinite strike began by the workers of the vitorian company Arteche Hitachi. Metal sector factory, dedicated to the manufacturing of measuring transformers and with a workforce of 62 workers. 51% of Arteche Hitachi shares are owned by Arteche, which is listed on the stock exchange, and the rest of Hitachi.

They want a collective agreement that guarantees decent wage levels and distributes wealth properly, ALS explains.

The continuity of the strike is being total in production. The strikers have expressed their willingness to continue with the stoppages “until we reach a collective agreement that improves the conditions of the workforce”.

On Friday, January 27 at 13:00, a concentration will be held in the Plaza de la Virgen Blanca.