A projectile foam from the Ertzaintza broke a man's jaw in Vitoria
  • From what is known so far, the person who was injured by a foam shell launched by the Ertzaintza at the demonstration on Sunday, March 3, was destroyed in two places, is hospitalized and has to be intervened. That is what they said at the mass hearings held this Wednesday in Vitoria.
Xabier Letona Biteri @xletona 2024ko martxoaren 07a
Argazkia: Hala Bedi / CC BY

The hearing was multitudinous and was convened by the unions ELA, LAB, ESK and Steilas who organized the demonstration on Sunday 3 March. The injured person is reported there. On Sunday, Hala Bedi Irratia reported that the wounded would be an elderly woman.

He also referred to the person who was crushed by the Ertzaintza van who came to tremble among the demonstrators, but it has not been possible to ensure, as has already been said, that the peroneus is broken by this capture. They report these two wounded, but say there were many more.

In the assessment, the association and the unions say that “it is not acceptable that the memory of 3 March continues to increase annually to people injured by police.” These burdens of the Ertzaintza also “continuously re-victimize those who have suffered police attacks.” They have also expressed their solidarity with all the wounded and the five detainees, “who have used to justify the action of the Ertzaintza”.

They have pointed out that in the work of keeping alive the memory of March 3, there are many groups that integrate their struggles year after year “against this unjust capitalist, racist and heteropatriarchal system in which we live”. They wanted to send a clear message: “We will continue to remember March 3 and demand mass demands for social and labor demands on the streets.” They have also extended their support to the citizens who participated in the organization during the demonstration, as without their participation the situation could be aggravated.

The foam balls launched by the Ertzaintza in recent weeks have caused serious injuries to three people: on the one hand, in Tolosa the 16-year-old Xuhar has suffered a serious injury to the eye; on the other, in the demonstration on Sunday of Vitoria mentioned in this news item; and on the other, in San Sebastian, PSG on Tuesday and the woman that Ertzaintza has had to attend.