The Basque Government approves the construction of the Vitoria Solar 1 and 2 photovoltaic parks in the Vitoria area
  • Each park will have sixty hectares and the project will have a budget of 32 million euros. With the confirmation of the environment and technical permits, the project only lacks the urban planning permit to begin the construction of the parks.  
Eneko Imaz Galparsoro 2025eko otsailaren 17a
Parke fotovoltaiko bat. Eusko Jaurlaritza

Vitoria Solar 1 will be located in Vitoria-Gasteiz and Arratzua-Úzudida (Álava), while Vitoria Solar 2 will be located in Vitoria-Gasteiz and Burgun (Álava). Each one will have 90,000 photovoltaic panels, where the energy collected will be sent through an underground cable to a substation that will be located in the capital of Álava.

The public-private company Fuerberri will be the promoter of the project: Solaria, a private energy company, holds 70% of the stake, while the Basque Public Energy Agency holds 30%. The two came together to complete the project that aims to build two photovoltaic parks in the area of Vitoria, specifically.

At the end of 2023, several growers of the Association of Peasants of Álava UAGA reported to the newspaper Berria that the companies Solaria had persecuted them "for money" so that they could sell farmland. According to the growers, Solaria was using "huge sums of money" and "blackmail" for this purpose, one of whom stated that in exchange for the lease of land they offered him 1,500 euros per hectare per year for 40 years; and if sold, 25,000 euros per hectare.

Oion City Council, "obligated"

After two decades of suspension, the next wind farm in Álava will be built in the town of Labraza, in Oion. The Oion City Council confirmed in its plenary session on Thursday afternoon the approval of the project, arguing that they were "obliged" to accept it legally.In fact, the project meets all the necessary requirements to start construction: declaration on environmental impact, prior administrative authorization and administrative authorization for construction.