The winner is Noelia Da Costa, a student with cerebral palsy, who says the UPV/EHU will change the regulations
  • The UPV/EHU student Noelia Da Costa has been in the Education Committee of the Basque Parliament, counting her case: cerebral palsy and need for a companion, also motivated by the Ararteko, but the whole course without a companion. Indeed, the PNV parliamentarian announced in the committee that since the rectorate of the UPV he has been told that they will change the rules for the next course, so that those who need it will have an assistant. “It’s late for me, I haven’t received that help, but if it’s going to reach the people behind me I’m glad,” says Da Costa.
Mikel Garcia Idiakez @mikelgi 2023ko maiatzaren 09a
Noelia Da Costa: "Gizartearen aurrean polita geratzen den hitza baino ez da inklusioa". Argazkia: Eusko Legebiltzarra

Noelia Da Costa is finishing her graduate degree. Without the help of her mother she could not do it because she needs help to go to the bathroom and for many basic actions, but the UPV/EHU has denied her the help claiming that the graduate master she is doing is not official. Ararteko has given Da Costa cause, but recently he told us that it remains the same. All this has been said in Parliament.

“I’m very tired of the typical inclusion speeches, “that nobody is left behind, we need equal opportunities for all, the training of young people is important,” he denounced that later inclusion is nothing more than a word that really looks nice to society.” “Is this support service possible for the family? Where is the equal rights and opportunities of people with disabilities? Our life is a permanent struggle at all stages, isn't it enough? We want to live with dignity and independence.”

The support of all parties and the surprise of the PNV

Following the intervention of Noelia Da Costa, representatives of the parliamentary parties have spoken one by one. They have all shown their support for the vitorian. “We hope that this situation will be corrected as soon as possible and that the university will take action”, say from PP-Citizens; “you have all our support, you should not get to this situation”, Elkarrekin Podemos; “we want this situation to be solved”, from the PSE; “cases like yours continue to demonstrate the deficiencies, we commit to follow up, to see if the recommendation of Ararteko, EH.

The PNV has been the last party to take the floor and has crossed several emails with the rectorship of the UPV/EHU: “We have been told that the regulation followed by the UPV/EHU for the granting of aid discriminates against unofficial studies, and the rectorship of the UPV/EHU itself has told us that before the pre-registration deadline for the next course. Maybe it’s late, but we think it’s good news and I share it with joy in this committee.”

"It's being a very hard course, although you see a smile, the pain we bring inside; that those who will come after don't have to suffer this"

Da Costa says that if there is a change in the regulations it is good news, “but until I arrive I will not believe it”. For him it is late, this course ends without companions, “but if he will reach the people who come behind, I am glad,” he added. The vitorian, accompanied by his mother, also spoke in the Education Committee, Sonia Reviirrigation wanted to emphasize that the families of people with disabilities are “very saturated” and “suffer a lot”. Noelia Da Costa is thrilled with her mother’s words and makes it clear at the end of the committee: “It is a very hard course, although you see us a smile, we carry the pain inside, that those who will come later do not have to suffer this.”