Ararteko is right for the student with cerebral palsy: the UPV should put an assistant
  • Ararteko is right for student Noelia Da Costa: the UPV/EHU should put an assistant because the vitorian has cerebral palsy and needs university help to go to the bathroom, unwrap the shelter or put the computer on the table. Although the Ararteko resolution is early in March, the UPV/EHU still does not put the collaborator and the course is about to end. Next week Da Costa will present his case in the Basque Parliament. “We remain the same and my mother is the one who helps, it’s not easy to take him.”
Mikel Garcia Idiakez @mikelgi 2023ko maiatzaren 03a
"Isilik egon naiz bolada batez, nekatuta nengoelako eta behar nuelako deskantsua hartu, baina berriz ere gogorarazi diet nire egoera".

The course is about to end and Noelia Da Costa is finishing her graduate degree. Without the help of her mother she could not do it because she needs help to go to the bathroom and for many basic actions, but the UPV/EHU has denied her the help claiming that the graduate master she is doing is not official. “I’ve been silent for a season, because I was tired and I needed to rest, but I’ve reminded him of my situation again, because if you don’t insist on the issue being forgotten, and although we’ve adapted to this situation, it’s not easy to take it.”

Right to non-discriminatory education

On this issue, Ararteko has stated clearly in the 15-page response (resolution 2023R-2033-22), among others, that “students with special needs have the right to a non-discriminatory education and based on equal opportunities in an inclusive educational system at all levels”, and the resolution says that “the UPV/EHU should apply the Standards of Equality of Opportunity for all university students”. That is, regardless of whether or not the graduate degree is official, the assistant to Da Costa should be guaranteed.

"As I know, the Ararteko resolution at the UPV/EHU has caused quite a bit of itching. People have congratulated me on that resolution, but the Ararteko has recommended it, it does not oblige, and the situation remains the same."

“As I know, this resolution in the UPV – as the Vitorian told us – has caused a lot of itching. People have congratulated me on the Ararteko response, but the Ararteko has recommended it, it does not oblige, and the situation remains the same, I see no changes.”

Participation in Parliament

Next week Da Costa has an important quote: on 8 May she will participate in the Committee on Education of the Basque Parliament and present her case. “I take this last opportunity and then I will rest, because I also need it.”

Vitorian Noelia Da Costa Reviirrigation explained to ARGIA its situation last October. In their words, they also encouraged him to give up graduate education: "I think they thought he would quit following, but it has not been so and they have also been surprised. Somehow, I've been given access to these studies, it's discriminatory. You're a public institution, and if you make a student offer, it's for everyone or it's not legitimate. If it really is an offer for everyone, put aid and guarantees, because everyone has different needs."

The issue also came to the Social Council of the UPV, with Fernando Mijangos, a member of the Council. The UPV/EHU Director, Eva Ferreira, reports on the response received. Thus, he pointed out that "they do not have enough capacity to provide personalized care to all people with special needs who want to carry out all the training we have throughout our lives".