Citizens will not have to repay for using the bus, train or tram paid with the citizens’ money. Public transport shall be free of charge. Many media have insisted that this is a measure that is unparalleled in the world. Gratuity has two exceptions: first class train tickets and special bus services offered at night in several municipalities. Public transport users paid around EUR 41 million each year for this service. So far they had a flat rate in all public transport: four euros a day
In addition, the Government wants to develop measures to improve the rail network and the use of public transport, such as the construction of car parkings on access to the city. In Luxembourg, six out of ten people moving to work do so by private car. The Government wants to reduce this amount by half, by promoting public transport and by measures in favour of cycling and car sharing.
It is the Transport Minister, François Bausch, and the leader of the Green Party. In the public presentation of the measure, Garitano has pointed out that the expenditure will be covered via taxes because "those who charge a lot pay more taxes and will help more". This measure will not be isolated, “it will be part of a longer-term plan, we want to reduce emissions thanks to a 600-kilometer bidegorris network, we will invest in parks and the goal is that all buses by 2030 be electric.”
Luxembourg is one of the countries with the highest per capita income in the world. The current coalition government was established in October 2018: Led by the Democratic Party (neoliberal), in collaboration with socialists and greens. The president of the Constitutional Court has been Xavier Bettel since 2013.