The Spanish Government authorizes the demolition of Garoña
  • The Ministry of Ecological Transition and Demographic Challenge (MITECO) has authorized the demolition of the nuclear census. This has allowed the ownership of the facility to be left to the public company of Enresa.
Aitor Gurrutxaga Muñagorri 2023ko uztailaren 17a
Nuklearrari ezetz esateko mugimenduek erabilitako ikurra / Argazkia: Miguel Toña (EFE)

The Spanish Government has authorised the start of the dumping of the nuclear power plant in Santa María de Garoña. Until now the ownership of the facility has fallen to the private company Nuclenor, formed by Iberdrola and Endesa, and now the public company Enresa is the owner.

The derrib shall be divided into two phases, the first (2023-2026) shall be dismantled the system, the structure and the installations and the second (2027-2033) shall be completely demolished. In total, demolition work will cost EUR 475 million and some 350 people are expected to participate.

No to nuclear.

Antinuclear environmental associations and groups have repeatedly criticised and mobilised Garoña, inter alia, for lack of security, which came into operation in 1971. They have also denounced the proximity to urban centres such as Vitoria. In 2009 the Basque Parliament urged the Spanish Government to close the nuclear power plant, which has been requested on numerous occasions by the City of Vitoria. In 2013 the Government of Spain ordered the suspension of Garoña’s activity, in 2014 Endesa e Iberdrola requested the authorization of resumption and the Ministry of Energy definitively denied it in 2017.