Based on the "wheat rebellion", this Saturday they will perform popular theater in Azpeitia
  • In 1766, because the gentlemen increased the price of wheat, a popular revolt was organized in Azkoitia and Azpeitia. The SOREASU Theatre in Azpeitia hosts the premiere of the Matxinada theatre, based on this event. Based on the text written by the late Imanol Elias, the work will be represented for the first time on stage.
Gorka Bereziartua Mitxelena @gorka_bm 2018ko urriaren 24a
Imanol Eliasen testu batean oinarritu dute herri-antzezlana.

XXXVI Azpeitia flag. We opened the Theatre Meetings in Matxinada. From the script written by the Azpeitian writer and playwright Imanol Elias, the neighbors of this Guipuzkoan town have prepared a popular and musical theater. The Azpeitia Culture Bureau has been responsible for conducting the initiative.

Elijah died in 2013, with the same sorrow he had been unable to see the show on stage. Five years later, however, this text will be recovered. This has involved a lot of people, about 100 people: Olatz Prat, Felipe Murillo, Itziar Oiartzabal, Luis Mari Galdos, Jon Gurrutxaga, Ignacio Arakistain, Jaime Amenabar, Josetxo Brey, Jokin Uranga, BEÑAT Lizaso, Haritz Etxeberria, Iban Amenabar, Ixizola

The work has a precedent: The novel Abril, published by Iñigo Aranbarri in 2014. In addition, on the 250th anniversary of the “Wheat Rebellion”, in 2016, the City Hall and the Azpeitia Culture Bureau organized various initiatives with the aim of remembering the facts and publicizing the history of the locality.

They also intended to stage the Matxinada show. In a press release, the Azpeitia Culture Bureau explained that “we got underway. Unai Frantzesena started preparing the melodies, Alaitz Olaizola adapting the script, we started to bring people together to work on the cast. We have been long, two years long, but the day has come.”

The date is October 27 at the SOREASU theatre, at 22:00.

["The wheat rebellion" places the Urko Apaolaza Rebellion in a historical context: 18th-century Outraged Reports]