Trying to show us what we are
  • It's 10 p.m. in the Axular Cultural Association. The noise of the bells of the vessels is once merged with the heat of the people, and in the surroundings the beer, smoke and shadows of the young people of Arrati dominate. The latter laugh, count and take advantage of the weak light offered by Igorre’s tavern, as though they were ghosts.
Karlos Aretxabaleta 2020ko martxoaren 10

The waiter has assembled the musical group Motörhead that he likes so much and the Basque is warming up. But I stay wrapped up in myself, like an apple tree with the thorns spinning inwards, because I can't help but think of the phrase I just read: “Gargoyles show up June.”

"In the region of Arratia-Nervión, for example, you only hear "you" in the mouth of men, since that of women had almost completely departed during the last century, believing that it was clumsy and puppets".

The resurrection of Hitano de Noka or women is not a matter of night, since in recent times theoretical and practical research has been carried out and several projects have been launched to revive this colloquial language among women: Antzuola, Azpeitia, Oñati, Gabiria, Baztan, Arratia... Perhaps, depending on the region or the country, Hika itself does not have to have a special charm, but for a street like me, which is also from another region, the exoticism that this treatment has is undeniable. For a moment it can bring us closer to the time of our grandparents, in their own way, to their rich and endearing language, and why not, in some cases I think it has the power to make us feel “more euskaldunes”; in my case, the “more of Arratia”. What butter is that? The child is a baby.

Aside from an extreme, idealistic or stupid expression, it could be said that this second decade of the twenty-first century opens the door to a new process of empowerment of women through language. Although I do not have an exceptional clinical eye, I do not think that it is necessary to be an expert to know that in some parts of the Basque Country the loss of the Hitan woman is total, or in regions of great tradition (Goierri or Urola), which so far, at least, has seen a remarkable decline in noka.

"Fortunately, it seems that the different groups of Euskal Herria, promoting intergenerational relations, are betting on the recovery and recovery of the noka," he said.

In the region of Arratia-Nervión, for example, you only hear the hika in the mouth of men, since women's had almost completely departed during the last century, believing that they were clumsy and puppets. However, the causes of the loss would require a separate chapter, but I have heard more than one woman that the hika was a matter of leisure or bar, who could enjoy the leisure or the bars a hundred years ago, men or women?It could be thought that the twenty-first century could balance the brake with regard to the Hitan.

Fortunately, it seems that the different groups of Euskal Herria, promoting intergenerational relations, both in favor of recovery and in favor of noka. Live you! So let us welcome this new challenge. Even in the Arratia valley, in a very humble way, we are in that, the women here and there – and also a few men – are trying to do our, our, and why not, as we said at the beginning, wanting to show what we are.