Report that the new bus service of the Garbera shopping centre "boosts consumption"
  • For Ezker Anitza, IU of San Sebastian, the new service launched by DBus responds to the "economic interests" of some locals and companies instead of improving urban public transport.
ARGIA @argia 2022ko urriaren 19a
Garberara daraman autobus lineako ordutegia zabaltzeak zeinen interesez egin den zalantzan jarri du Ezker Anitzak (argazkia: EiTB)

In San Sebastian, the City Hall of San Sebastian has extended the schedule of the bus line that goes from the Garbera shopping center to Boulebar with the company DBus and the buses will make a last trip from Monday to Saturday at 22:25 pm to "facilitate the displacement" of the workers of the downtown

Ezker Anitza IU understands, however, that this service does not meet the needs of personnel and citizenship: "The expansion of services to this shopping center mainly responds to the boost of consumption and, therefore, to the improvement of the economic interests of companies that have premises in it, due to the existence in the city of other polygons and workplaces, with deficiencies in public transport services and which have not reinforced the lines," he explains.

According to this political group, it makes no sense to strengthen the night time and, on the contrary, not the morning time, "when the time of entry of workers in this space is 6:00 hours". In addition, the reinforcement of the line leading to the city center is also not correct for Ezker Anintza-IU, as most workers reside in other neighborhoods and neighboring localities: "If the objective was really to improve urban public transport and facilitate the movement to the majority of the city's workers, the hours of the services should be extended to other centers or centers of work in San Sebastian."

Injured by the small trader

Ezker Anitza IU believes that with this decision small traders are harmed, since with the commitment to large areas "a commercial model is promoted at the service of multinationals, with which local trade cannot compete".

Thus, remember that between 2008 and 2021 close to 1,000 small shops have been closed in San Sebastian and that the empty premises in some neighborhoods are more than a third, such as Altza, Intxaurrondo, Loiola, Ategorrieta or Bidebieta.