In the Bertsolaris National Championship they will have to do the work of the House, rather than the work of the prison.
  • The Bertsozale Association has decided to rename after 60 years. However, the exercise will be the same: to give the same subject to all bertsolaris and sing alone, without listening to others.
ARGIA @argia 2022ko irailaren 12a
Nerea Ibarzabal 2021eko Bizkaiko Bertsolari Txapelketan. / Argazkia: Bertsozale Elkartea.

The meeting of the Organising Group began to discuss the origin of Kartzela’s work and, after taking up several proposals, it has been agreed in the Versification Group that the work of the House is a better name for this individual exercise. Oier Iurramendi, promoter of the promotion of Bertsozale Elkartea, explains the reasons in “The camera suggests warmth, silence, previous work... It is a room at home, but at the same time independent. The camera is also called brain or bedroom. In the old housework, in the loft or in the shrimp, the corn was made in verse as it was grazing, and it is also a place of training or work of various bertsolaris. It has usually been related to good memories.”

However, they report that the essence of the activity is not going to change, they only agree on the new name “so that the name and the being of the activity are closer”. Iurramendi explains that the origin of the Kartzela activity is in the 1960 championship: Fernando Artola was in charge of putting the theme on him and proposed that the bertsolaris go out to sing individually, because everyone had to sing on the same topic, to think that there were no imbalances in time. This has been the case since then.

It has been determined that the work of the House will be used for the first time in the General Championship starting on 24 September, and that from now on each country will have at its disposal the name of the championships and the performances of bertsolaris. Iurramendi reports that the proposal has been well received, but that it will have to be modified gradually: “Changing habits isn’t easy and you’ll have to leave time.”