Mayors and agents of Aoiz call to attend the demonstration for the jobs of Gamesa
  • Siemens Gamesa has announced the closure of the Aoiz plant and the eviction of 239 workers, so mobilizations are intensifying and a demonstration will be held on 11 July with many public officials and officials.
Urko Apaolaza Avila @urkoapaolaza 2020ko uztailaren 09a
Dozenaka auto Iruñea gurutzatu zuten asteazkenean, Gamesa ez ixtea aldarrikatzeko (arg: Foku / Iñigo Ruiz)

The Company Committee of Siemens Gamesa, in Aoiz, met with the management on Wednesday and showed its total rejection of the plant's closure as being "fully competitive and productive".

ELA, LAB, UGT, CCOO are represented on the works council and all agree that "we are dealing with a clear case of relocation". In particular, it is suspected that the company intends to transfer production to Portugal and Morocco, because with lower wages it is more profitable to manufacture aircraft blades in those countries.

This is the first meeting for the implementation of the Employment Regulation Dossier, but the workers have wanted from the outset to reject the eviction proposal and have started with mobilisations. Thus, on Wednesday a caravan was formed consisting of dozens of cars from the polygon in which the factory is located to Pamplona, and you can already see banners and posters for the job.

There are 239 jobs at stake, but not only that, that one of the largest factories in Aoiz, the economic engine of the region, could disappear, which would be a tremendous blow to the pre-Pyrenees, which began its journey of depopulation.

The gravity is such that many mayors and agents of Aoiz have held a joint press conference this Thursday morning to denounce "pure relocation" and invite the citizens to attend the demonstration that will take place on Saturday 11 July in Pamplona, both in the region and in the rest of Navarre. The messages of solidarity and concern are also coming from other parts of the territory, such as the declaration approved by the City of Estella, which shows "surprise" about the "ease" with which Vatican-Gamesa has taken this decision.

The mayors of Aoiz have also asked the foral government for a solution at this Thursday’s hearing and recalled that the administration contributed EUR 9 million in subsidies and tax benefits at the plant: The mayor of Aoiz, Ángel Unzue, said that "it is his duty" to intervene and "turn the situation around".

The Works Council will meet with the management on 16 July, as the strength of the weekend demonstration will be very important when it comes to sitting.