Tribute to six victims of Gamazada on Sunday in Donostia
  • On August 27 the Arbol de Gernika will be sung in the Boulebar of Donostia in the tribute presented by Gamazada Donostiako Herri Ekimena under the motto “A Song to Freedom”.
Ilargi Manzanares 2023ko abuztuaren 24a
Bulebarrean Gamazada Donostian Herri Ekimenak prentsaurrekoa egin ondoren. Argazkia: Joseba Parron San Sebastian.

The Donostiarra Boulevard, organized by the Gamazada Popular Initiative in San Sebastian, will pay tribute to the six victims who lived in the riots of 130 years ago in the context of foral defense. The presentation was made by EH Councilor Bildu Markel Ormazabal and historian Iñaki Egaña. José María Iparraguirre’s Gernika Tree will sing on Boulevard at 12:00.

In the words of Egaña, in 1893, the Finance Minister of the Liberal Party of Sagasta, Germán Gamazo, wanted to put an end to the tax regime of the exiles and several riots took place in different parts of the Basque Country. In the Big Week of San Sebastian, the municipal band was asked to interpret Gernikako Arbola, but the director did not accept it because the president of the Spanish Government was in the city of Praxedes Mateo Sagasta: “Interpreting a Basque hymn in its presence is not appropriate,” he said.

After this incident, a group of people approached the Sagasta hotel, threw stones at the facade and smashed crystals. The Civil Guards shot and killed six people. In addition to the deaths, 30 were seriously injured and many others were wounded, thus avoiding detention. 60 people were incarcerated in Ondarreta. Egaña points out that “the city council should hold a plenary session to recognize the six victims”.