A Galician people will use empty homes to fill the isolation
  • The City of Barreiros (Lugo) has shown its intention to offer empty housing by the housing bubble for those who cannot pass the confinement. He pointed out that, for the time being, about 20 beds have been recruited between private individuals and hotel owners, and that they have capacity for 40 more in municipal hostels.
Maria Ortega Zubiate @ortegazubiate 2020ko martxoaren 18a
Barreirosen higiezinen burbuilagatik 600 etxebizitza inguru geratu dira hutsik.

Barreiros is a town of 3,000 inhabitants, although it has more than 600 empty homes and about 3,000 second residences, according to Praza.

The last legislature multiplied the properties destined for the second homes in the locality, since the former mayor of the People's Party Alfonso Fuente authorized the sale of the square meter to three euros per square meter. Construction in the Biscayan locality grew by 123% in the first quarter of this year.

Now, BNG Mayor Ana Hermida has presented the Consistorio as a mediator between health authorities and homeowners.