Iñaki Lasa Nuin 2024ko urtarrilaren 12a

“And Christmas, and Christmas: zelofan, silver paper. On the occasion of Christmas / With the arrival of Christmas / With Christmas / With mood and noise”. Chorus and first verse of a Christmas song by Bitoriano Gandiaga, performed by Pello Zabala. Extracted from the Christmas book.

Christmas, crazy. Lights, shopping, meals, gifts, party, noise, tumults, what's not a Christmas ad. After long holidays, the first trimester is usually quite long and people want to have fun. Why that stir, a probe and a celebration? Maybe to celebrate the lottery that hasn't touched us? Without knowing what is celebrated by grandeur, it is sad.

When we were young a few years ago, the son of God Jesus was born and we celebrated Christmas. Early in the morning we went out to ask our friends and friends to sing Christmas coplas we could have from home to home and from home: “When the twelve have touched without them / Jesus is born our God in the world,” this kind of coplas. Then, at night, family dinner with croquettes. So, Olentzero didn't come to us.

At least thousands of years before the birth of Jesus of Nazareth celebrated the winter solstice in the northern hemisphere of the world

I know, fortunately, that today many do not believe in the birth of the son of God Jesus and in those myths of the Virgin, but unfortunately many who claim to believe in those myths, I would say that they also make a false, corrupt celebration. Because, from any point of view, Christmas celebration is an abuse. We live in a kind of deluge where we barely look at anything. The excuse that LED lights spend less is that cities and towns compete to see who gets more light. Or see who puts a higher artificial tree on the village square. Consumption is also driven by government, by public money, on the pretext of helping small businesses. Is there no other way to help small businesses, for example by reducing taxes? And pride, pride, makes us spend the extraordinary Christmas salary on meals, drinks and celebrations. Consumption predominates.

These winter holidays are celebrated in warmth and sweetness. At least thousands of years before the birth of Jesus of Nazareth, they celebrated the winter solstice in the northern hemisphere of the world. In Northern Europe, the winter solstice celebrations are ancestral and in Rome, the winter solstice festivities that were called “Saturnales” celebrated before the birth of Jesus. It is not by chance to associate the birth of Jesus with the winter solstice, on 25 December in the Julian calendar. The gospels do not say when Jesus was born, so it is clear that the connection was made with the new sun, the solstice.

The winter solstice festivities Yule in northern Europe are older than those of Saturnales in Rome. Victory of life before death. All worlds and man himself come from the Yule tree. In short, they love nature trees, tree trunks. They also have a habit of burning a trunk at Christmas Eve, as the Basques burned the Olentzero trunk or the Christmas trunk.

Those of us who believe that we have freed ourselves from myths have to grab, to the nature that we need so much, to the whole tree, the trunk and all that it is -- I don't mean the universe because the stars are far away -- because we are also part of nature, because we are also part of everything that it is. They were relegated because of pagan feasts, fooled by some man's ideas. Before that invented theist God, let's look for what gives us life: the last reality, the hidden explanation of everything it is. If there's god, he's in that rope or energy that brings everything together, in that intelligence and hidden information that guides and develops us in evolution, beyond all our intelligences and thoughts. It is in us, in depth, inside, because we are also part of that divinity, but not God… or, yes? That's what we fall in love with, it creates us at all times and what we create, because we also participate. “You don’t read that while you eat ham, because it will go to your throat against.”

Celebrate Christmas, but I delve a bit into what gives us life and what we are. Always allow light, unnecessary consumption and anything harmful to nature. Cava, brut nature.

Merry Christmas! Good morning! Happy Sun!

Iñaki Lasa Nuin