G7 not! It is also our business inside!
  • Let us not remain silent, let us protest. In Biarritz, the leaders of the seven fastest states in the world will meet in this arena in August. That is, the leaders who are most respectful of the situation in this world.  
Hainbat egile* 2019ko abuztuaren 19a

In Biarritz and throughout the continental Basque Country, fearful police and security measures are being taken to try to save these powerful women. As if we wanted to stay at home and quiet. We want to call to open our eyes, understand what's happening and show out loud what we remember. For those who live well, you can think that things are going well. But, in the meantime, considering the open world, a large part of the population lives in a very sad situation:

– A mile of hungry people, our planet could please everyone.

– Injustice is unimaginable, with one in three people in a situation of great poverty. Among other things, 46% of the wealth generated worldwide in 2018 has been absorbed by 1% of the population.

– The heat of the climate is becoming uncontrollable, stimulating misery and wars. – Then the growing land is further destroyed by intensification and industrialisation.

– Millions of people, at risk of their lives, leave their homeland and are forced to take the path of migration.

All of this happens because world political leaders don't make the decisions that may be needed, and most of the time they shake hands with economic interests.

That is our world! And we inside this North are also from that world! Here we have to fight all the suffering, the precariousness and the injustices here, as we have to rise up against those of the whole world.

That is our world! And we inside this North are also from that world! Here we have to fight against all the suffering, precariousness and injustices here, as we have to deal with those of the whole world. Just one suffering and one injustice in this world cannot leave us calm and undisturbed! We hear and cry “another world is possible!” There must be no empty words! As in Euskal Herria, initiatives are emerging in all parts of the world to make that other world immediately come true. The foundations that we want for the new world are solidarity, autonomy, sustainability, relocation, scarcity and sanity of living, with the leaders of the fastest states on the pallets of Biarritz, the alternative summit will pass through Hendaia and Irun with the participants who will come from everywhere.

We call on the people of Iparralde Barrualde to approach the alternative summit from 21 to 23 August, to the conferences and round tables held in Irun, FICOBA and Hendaya. There, testimonies and speakers from Euskal Herria, France and around the world about the climate urgency, social precariousness, stateless nations, sustainable agriculture, economic relocation or the struggles of women. We also call on people to participate in the popular and colorful demonstration that has been organized from Hendaia to Irun on 24 August. We must also say, aloud, that this world is not tolerable. We have to say stop the pioneer that NOW they have to make decisions so that life and justice are possible for everyone on this planet. Never, throughout history, has there been an urgency today. The peoples of the alternatives, such as demonstrations, want to be peaceful, familiar, rejecting all kinds of provocations and violence. Plurality, respect and determination will be the beginning of these days.

The powerful world has chosen Biarritz to promote its “old” world. We in Irun and Hendaya show that the new world, solidarity and human, is possible and is being built.

First Signatory:

Llargo Jean Jacques (Urdinarbe) Erreçaret Annick (Santa Grazi) Etchemendi

Joane (Iruri) Hoquy
Juana (Zalgize) Berhocoirigoin
Mixel (Gamarte)

Harlouchet Xabi (Ahatsa)