G20 protocol and four red lines from China
  • The picture yes or no? It is currently unclear whether or not the G20 summit, which has just begun in Rio de Janeiro, will be held. “Family photo” of the highest authorities present. What on those occasions has become normative: what they represent, dressed or dressed as any tourist, but always aligned with the most elaborated protocol.
Mikel Aramendi 2024ko azaroaren 19a
Rion elkartu aurrerik, Liman bildu dira APECen goi-bileran G20koen erdiak edo. Eta hara non ikusi ahal izan dugun hango familia-argazkian Joe Biden Estatu Batuetako presidente bat ia inoiz ikusiko ez dugun tenorean: bigarren lerroan, ia bazter batean.

Others – for couples, for couples, for couples, for three, for humor, for the work aspect – will be on demand. What about the “G20 Social” and the other official issues. But a prototype picture?

It should be recalled that two years ago, for the first time in Bali, Indonesia, there were no such family photos. Putin was not there, but he was Celensky, but also Lavrov. And someone who was supposed to appear protocolously next to him refused to put it. In the end, the organization made Solomon: no pictures. In Rio there is also Lavrov, and you will have to see how the Lula protocol team releases the knot.

The protocol, sometimes harder than steel, sometimes softer than milk pulp. According to the high policy. Example of access: Just before meeting in Rio, half of the G20 attendees met at the APEC summit. And lo and behold, in the family photo there we've been able to see Joe Biden, President of the United States, almost never, in the second row, almost in a corner. In addition to Chinese President Xi Jinping, former Canadian Prime Minister J. Trudeau, the president of Indonesia, Subianto, etc. They're on the front line. But everyone knows that Biden has two months left in the White House, and this kind of protocol is free when his assistants are not there as well.

In any case, the trip to Lima de Biden has served for something more ambitious than a simple protocol. The face-to-face meeting with Xi wasn't just to say goodbye. Not even, above all, by Xi. As he suspects that the possibility of having something similar with Trump may take a long time, Xi has turned to top U.S. officials (Biden, Blinken and Sullivan) who are about to abandon power to become messengers of China’s “red lines” with respect to those who arrive (Trump, Rubio, Waltz, Hegseth).

In this message, at least a couple of particularities should be highlighted. On the one hand, the red lines are now four: Taiwan, democracy and human rights, the path and system of China and the right to development of China. Until now, only Taiwan was mentioned in the expression “red stripes”. It is clear that what is included in the concept has spread with great intensity: all the important thing is now “red stripes”.

On the other hand, Xi himself has been the author of the punishment. We can say it's a warning from the top to the top.

Beijing welcomes Trump. And it's not been peaceful.