The film "Non" by Fuchs and Castagnet opens in the South Basque Country
  • In Capdenac, Occitania, the Radial company closed its doors after a strike. The work of directors Eñaut Castagnet and Ximun Fuchs tells the indignant complaint of the workers.
Nahia Ibarzabal @NahiaIbarzabal 2018ko abuztuaren 28a
Non filma

Behind the film "Non" is the project Non. The project has four legs: The theatre group Le Petit Théâtre Pain, the video cooperative Aldudarren, the street theatre movement Derrière le Hublot in Occitania and 500 inhabitants.

After its premiere in the Northern Basque Country and the French State, it will arrive on Friday to the cinemas of the Southern Basque Country.

This coral film won the Best Basque Screenplay Award at the last San Sebastian Film Festival.

You can read here the review made by Mal Izagirre after watching the film at the Festival.