Frontex’s budget has risen by over 12,000% over the past seventeen years
  • In 2005 the European Border and Coast Agency had a budget of EUR 6.5 million. In 2022, it received over 750 million euros from public institutions. Spending on the expulsion of migrants has increased by 480 per cent over the past two years.
Gedar @GedarLangileKZ 2023ko uztailaren 18a

Frontex is an agency created to protect the area of free movement of the Member States of the European Union and the Schengen Member States. Although at the time of its creation it had a budget of EUR 6.5 million, year after year funding has steadily increased to over EUR 754 million by 2022. The average increase per year can be estimated at 705%.

Frontex funding increased by more than 200% between 2020 and 2022 alone: EUR 364,432,654 in 2020, EUR 535,245,042 in 2021 and EUR 754,375,142 in 2022. As regards the amounts allocated to contracts in these years, they increased from EUR 71 million to EUR 160 million.

Frontex is expelling many people who migrate to the EU and returning them to their countries of origin in two ways. On the one hand, it assists the EU countries in carrying out return efforts and, on the other, it takes all steps on its own. Well, in the last two years the appropriations for the execution of the expulsions of migrants have increased by 480%, from 16 to 78 million euros.

Subsidies for the financing of specific equipment of the Agency have also increased significantly over the past two years. In 2020, it received EUR 17.5 million from Schengen and EU partners and EUR 152.3 million in 2022, with an increase of 870% in just two years.

The funding of the Frontex agency informs us of the EU’s external policies and the Schengen area. At a time when the migratory flows of the populations on the periphery have increased massively, it is noted that technical, personal and military resources have been financed disproportionately to keep away from the gates of Western civilization.