Frontex, border control business
Ongi Etorri Errefuxiatuak @oeebizkaia 2023ko irailaren 26a

Pamplona was last week the meeting room of the Frontle Management Board. Frontex is the European border control and surveillance agency. It is curious that most people are unaware of their existence, as it occupies most of the European Union’s budgets. For in Baluarte they will plan how to spend almost EUR 850 million, as they like to define in Frontex, "to defend security on the European border from the threat of immigration".

It is the Europe itself that wrote the Charter of Human Rights, where the right to migrate and also to receive asylum in any state is upheld, which links immigration with security, creating a complete border control business through completely obscure management. It is called by European values. And the institutionalisation of racism and the violation of rights, according to their personal situation, they called it immigration policies, because Europe and its institutions were always clear about who those rights are. Of all these fangos, a terrible mud called Frontex emerged in 2004, as an armed arm that would justify a multimillion-dollar spending on the militarisation and expulsion of borders, with thousands of deaths.

But migration policies do not manage migratory flows, nor do they analyze the root causes of migration, nor manage or plan the diversity of origins. This is part of what they do, but above all it is the smoke cloud of what they really are: market policies, in which Europe decides who and how it will enter this territory and under what living conditions. In fact, Frontex is only a business of border control, closure and outsourcing, which is necessary to build an absolutely unfair European development model.

Frontex does business at the expense of the deaths of thousands and thousands of people, only to be born on the opposite side of the border

People who decide to move to this part in search of their vital project are forced to disobey that unjust order of the world and cross borders "illegally", as public representatives and people who have no heart say... As if there was another way to do it, as if it wasn't quite cruel, to have to invent a way to mock precariousness and death in order to continue to build one's own life.

The history of European countries has been based on the dehumanization of those who decide to expel (or expel) their territory. History based on colonization and oppression, which has reached the present day in many ways: foreign laws that make people into inserts without the right to live (being), racist police controls, perpetuators of the criminal profile linked to racism, discrimination in access to rights, perpetuation of stereotypes and prejudice as part of culture, etc.

In the territory in which we live, a fantastic story has been built in which being racist is bad, some manifestations of racism can be typified as hate crimes, but at the same time institutional racism must be maintained in order to comply with the current law. We don't understand it and we don't want to understand it. That is why we continue to organize and take the streets, denouncing the existence of organizations like Frontex, which do business at the cost of life, and worse still, do business at the cost of the death of thousands and thousands of people, only because they were born in the wrong part of the border.

We want the institutions to abandon incompetence and not to protect the many violence against those who have not been recognised as full citizens. Today and always we will continue to denounce this racist and colonial system, and its armed arm, Frontex, which has met these days in Pamplona to continue doing the necropolitical business.

Limits of Caravana Zabalduz, PIM-MIG, Salhaketa Navarra, Welcome Refugees, Federation Diakite with Immigrants, SOS Racism Navarra