The French left will be part of the Popular Front in the next elections
  • The agreement has been signed by the Socialist Party, France Insumiso, the environmental side and the Communist Party. They will have a single candidature in each electoral district and have drawn up a government programme to prevent the triumph of the extreme right. Other left-wing parties have also added to the idea of a single candidature, including EH Bai, which will also deny candidature in the sixth electoral district.
Julen Ugartemendia Carcedo 2024ko ekainaren 14a
Fronte Popularreko kideak akordioa lortu ondoren. Argazkia: Mediapart

The French leftist parties have reached an agreement to form the Popular Front, after several days of negotiations. On Monday, 10 June, President Emmanuel Macron announced the dissolution of the National Assembly and the convening of elections. The Socialist Party (PS), France Intransigents (LFI), Ecologists (EELV) and the Communist Party (PCF) have reached an agreement for the elections of 30 June and 7 July. Euskal Herria Bai (EH Bai) was also willing to take part in the Popular Front on Monday and was nominated for this week’s negotiations: Peio Dufau will be presented in the sixth electoral district. The agreement bears this name in honour of the coalition of the French left-wing parties in 1935 to curb the spread of fascism in Europe.

The agreement has included unique candidatures in each electoral district and a government programme for the first hundred days, in order to curb the right end. The leftist parties published the Popular Front’s joint declaration on Thursday, underlining the “great hope of meeting”. In the declaration, the left-wing political parties point out that the concrete and realistic proposals for the real change of the lives of the French people. The agreement does not clarify who will be the candidate for the presidency.

The former president, François Hollande, has shown his joy and pointed out that the extreme right must be rejected from coming to power on the TF1 television channel. “The extreme right of the liberation of the Second World War has never been so close to power,” says Holland. The former president has also underlined the risk that the extreme right will come to power outward.