The flags they have brought out for the Tour de France have EITB logos, Kutxabank and Basque Government
  • The initiative was presented on 15 June by Inés Monguilot (Kutxabank) and Luis Manuel Martín (EITB). In total, 60,000 flags have been drawn for distribution on the Tour de France, with the logos of the three institutions.
Aitor Gurrutxaga Muñagorri 2023ko ekainaren 16a
Luis Manuel, Juan Mari Aburto eta Inés Monguilot ekimena aurkezten / Argazkia: Luis Manuel, Juan Mari Aburto eta Inés Monguilot ekimena aurkezten / Argazkia:

With the logos of Kutxabank, EITB and the Basque Government they have brought out 60,000 ikurriña for distribution in the Tour de France. The Tour de France starts in Euskal Herria with the promise of several institutions to spread its brands.

The initiative was presented by Inés Monguilot, director of marketing and advertising of Kutxabank, and Luis Manuel Martín, head of EITB image. The first says that it is about presenting Kutxabank as a reference financial institution.

Berria journalist Jon Ordoñez explained that it is rare to include logos in a national symbol, even more so if it is the logo of a private financial institution. Examples are Spanish Law 39/1981, which prohibits the placement of any logo or symbol on the Spanish flag, and the United States Code of Laws, which prohibits the use of the national sign.