Tour de France in Hego Euskal Herria: 1,700 ertzainas and four-hour traffic breaks before the race
  • On the occasion of the “Grand Départ Pays Basque 2023”, the Basque Government presented on 5 June one of the largest “security operatives” in history. The tournament will join the summer departure operation, hampering airports and traffic.
Aitor Gurrutxaga Muñagorri 2023ko ekainaren 06a
Euskal erakundeek egindako agerraldia, ekainaren 5ean / Argazkia:

The Basque Government has announced that it will launch one of the largest “security operations” of all time for the Tour de France to pass through Hego Euskal Herria. Between 1 and 3 July airport access and traffic changes will affect 108 Basque municipalities.

It is estimated that the Ertzaintza and the Municipal Police will cut the roads four hours before the cyclist pass. In total it will produce 2,190 cutoff points. As if it were not enough, the passage of the Tour de France by Hego Euskal Herria will add the summer departure operation and the Sea Walkway Operation.

In recent weeks an internal associative movement of the Ertzaintza has launched protests calling, among other things, for a wage hike. The Tour de France itself is threatened if they ignore their demands. Unlike years, the head of the Ertzaintza recognizes that he now has "problems" inside the house.

For the Basque in Iparralde

The ASO, organiser of the Tour de France, and the local council of Baiona, by consensus, will support the presence of the Basque Country until the championship passes through Iparralde. In fact, on the avenue of Aquitaine, at the point of arrival of the third stage, a Basque animator will be installed next to the official speaker. In addition, the signs and media will be written in French and Basque.