Not all have agreed with the decision taken. Farmers in the Pyrenees have denounced that the growth of the bear is detrimental to grazing, which continues to suffer. Following a meeting with the mayors of the region, Rugy explained that the two bears will be transferred from Slovenia. Several mayors oppose the release of the bears so they left the meeting they held with the minister.
The minister says that growth and economic activity are compatible. In addition, it will allocate EUR 3.4 million to the planning of reconciliation between bear, livestock, tourism, hunting and forest management. The plan includes improving the stocking numbers of farmers, increasing compensation for bear attacks and improving the telephone network for pastors. It is believed that the increase in the population of Hartu will lead to a growth in tourism.
There are about 37 bears in the center of the Pyrenees and two bears in Biarno. It is not the first time a bear has been released in the Pyrenees, as it was released in the years 1996 and 2006.