Reception López de Arana
"The French Government always needs an internal enemy, now 'eco-terrorists'"
  • The gigantic "méga-bassines" are macro-projects that lead the accumulated water in soils, streams and streams of rain to a few intensive crops. The movement against them is being strengthened in the French State, as the protest last weekend in Sainte-Solines (Deux-Sèvres) shows. Toma has been present activist López de Arana and has reported this to ARGIA. On July 17 we channel the Net section Near the weekly to this growing movement: “The movement against agro-industry and its mega-basins or gigantic abrevaderos is spreading and hardening in France.”
Jenofa Berhokoirigoin @Jenofa_B 2022ko azaroaren 04a
Argazkia: @LesSoulevements

Although the Prefect banned it, he met at the Sainte-Solines meeting. How does it analyze the ban and the response given from the wall?

The organization estimates that some 8,000 people approached. As for the ban, if there is a collision between the prefect of Deux Sèves and the Bassines non maf movement, which is not current. At the time, all participants, including ecologists, agreed to make water reserves, but in exchange for compensation, including the progressive extraction of peasants from their [industrial and intensive] model. But that hasn't happened, and that's where opposition started. In the last year there has been a proliferation of actions to obstruct these water reserves, including sabotages. On the one hand, the pretension of taxation – yes or no to the construction of these water reserves – and on the other, the growing determination at the same time. Last spring there was another great mobilization, even above the bans. The prefecture, and probably a ministry in the liver, wants to extend fear, but what it has achieved is a solid unity and plurality on par. The movement has a fundamental motto: if you start building the water reserve, we will pull it out. Under these conditions, 1,500 policemen have been placed in Saintes-Solines, but despite this people of different political colours have come.

What was the atmosphere of those days?

We arrived on Friday afternoon and the camp was already assembled, very well organized logistically. The organization was nice. A very participative environment, in which people looked carefully and there was a certain strength or energy "Saturday will be a great day and we know what we come to: we go to the water reserve, disassemble the infrastructure". The atmosphere was fast, people came from all places, walking or by car, to avoid night controls. Although movement was banned in ten nearby areas, people had decided to reach the camp. There were many young people and many women willing to threaten the police. It is a new generation that breaks down some old customs. The next day, we look at practical organization: how to get to the water reserve. It was decided to launch three demonstrations, as it was a very large and plain space, with a multitude of gendarmes that could not prevent the passage of metro to metro to all people. We have achieved this through quantity, it was a rather ambitious objective, but in the end it has been achieved, because we had many determinations.

Ten blows and hospitalizations… the repression has been brutal.

Devastating gases and spicy bullet grenades, which burst and spread pieces of plastic and metal, have been continuously torn down into the skin of the parejo. Violence has been widening and approaching the water reserve to defend with teeth and teeth. Well, it was symbolic, because in the end it was silver, soil and fences… but we didn’t have to get there. They start to be very violent rules. That's when the organizers decided to go back, because that violence was not more sustainable.

You have succeeded in dismantling the infrastructure.

A team has succeeded. The area has 16 square kilometres and the police have not been able to stop them running along the edge. There was an air of triumph, we've all enjoyed, although we've hit a lot, curse them.

They have started a camp with a space to defend the AD.

No. This has been propaganda from the Ministry of the Interior. The area of the mountains belongs to a labrador, it is a private area located three kilometers from the nucleus. The camp was for the weekend and the winter had not stopped or thought about.

Referring to propaganda, Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin has defined natives as “eco-terrorists”.

In addition to actions, there is a war of words and the government's position is being radicalized. It always needs an internal enemy: at the time they were the “green Khmer”, then the “aiatoles of ecology”, now the “eco-terrorists”, Finally, to channel disobedience in their heads is to be terrorist. Therefore, in Sainte-Solines we have met 7,000 eco-terrorists this weekend: political parties, trade unions, associations, we were young, old… I think he has spread a word too fat and that no one has really followed his reading.

I am interested in seeing its influence on the environmental movement: some lines have moved, this is the first time that several actors have clearly defended the diversity of practices. I believe that it is a step forward that all forms of smoking are necessary to curb ecologically sound projects.

Les soulevements de la terre [Earth Uprisings] is flourishing at the level of France with a great determination to defend the land.

This emerged at the ZAD of Notre Dame des Landes, after winning the battle against the airport. They conducted discussions and concluded that different actors had to be brought together around a table to implement acceptable messages and practices. This movement always matches local groups, they don't arrive like parachutes. It's interesting.

(The popular movement has extended this threat to the dismantling of the giant stack if it is being built. Sabotage has also been carried out in Sainte-Solines. In the image below you can see the time:)