The French National Assembly gives the green light to Macron's Global Security Act
  • The French National Assembly on Thursday gave its final approval to the French Global Security Act (LSSIF). Agent Stop Global Security will appeal to the Constitutional Council to limit the law, Interior explained.
Oihane Arretxea Bereziartua @oihane_arretxea 2021eko apirilaren 16a
Legearen aurkako manifestari batzuk Parisen azaroan. Argazkia: Reuters

The French National Assembly on Thursday gave its final approval to the French Global Security Act (LSA). The bill led to massive protests by journalists and human rights organizations at the end of 2020.

In fact, the law has received many criticisms because, among other reasons, it envisages criminalizing the dissemination of police images "with the will to harm". The criterion for this purpose is not clear, but those found guilty may be sentenced to up to five years ' imprisonment and a fine of EUR 75,000.

In addition, the security law allows the use of drones and face recognition cameras at demonstrations and allows off-duty agents to carry firearms.

The bill submitted by the Emmanuel Macron Government was adopted with 75 votes in favour and 33 against.

Stop Global Security, anti-normative association, has announced that it will bring the law to the Constitutional Council to put limits on law enforcement. They have also stressed that this is a law that violates the fundamental rights of citizenship.