The European Hearing resolves that France illegally expel migrants
  • The resolution of 21 September states that the non-European has a deadline for voluntarily leaving the territory, and France does not.
Irati Irazusta Jauregi 2023ko irailaren 26a
Argazkia: Bidasoko Hitza

The European Court of Justice has ruled that France illegally expels migrants at borders. The resolution of 21 September states that France does not comply with the European return directive. This means that the non-European has a certain deadline for leaving the territory voluntarily, although EU countries can establish controls at their internal borders.

The French State Council must adapt the EU resolution to French law. However, the French Interior Minister, Gerald Darmanin, has pointed out that expulsions are legal because most immigrants do not meet the conditions for being in France.

It has also announced that it will send another 200 gendarmes and police to the Italian border to prevent immigrants arriving in Lampedusa from entering France. So far another 500 French policemen were in attendance.