European states launch operations to remove foreign citizens from Niger
  • According to the Ministry of Security, since President Mohamed Bazoum was dismissed, “security has dramatically worsened.” It recommends that the other European countries repeat the operation. The Government of Spain has begun to evacuate 70 people.
Aitor Gurrutxaga Muñagorri 2023ko abuztuaren 03a

On Tuesday, the French Foreign Ministry confirmed the departure of citizens from Niger, Africa. In total, they are between 500 and 600. The situation they cannot control has followed the same path as other European countries, as the Spanish Government has started to evacuate 70 people, Germany has recommended that they leave their inhabitants and Italy has ensured that they will ship aircraft.

However, the French Government ' s evacuation operation does not include the 1,500 military personnel present. They will remain there to “fight jihadism” and “protect the powerful interests” from uranium extraction.

Condemn the coup

Many institutions and governments have already condemned the coup. The UN representative, Leonardo Santos, explained that “it has made security difficult.” In the same vein, the organization breaks its relations with Niger and warns that it will take “additional measures”. For example, Ecowas has financially punished it by closing air and land borders between countries of the African Economic and Monetary Union.