The event will begin at 7 p.m. in Plaza José María Arizmendiarrieta, in the monolith that was placed sixteen years ago in tribute to those who killed or disappeared in the Alto Deba, and in which six names are added to the list already existente.Los names are the following: Isidro Monge Alonso; Victor Uribe-Echeverria Bengoa; Blas Unamuno Amuchastegi; Guillermo Ugarte Aeta; Dimas Aranzeta Etxezarreta; and Eusebio Menchaca Turiel. During the tribute, the relatives of these six people will receive a sculpture of Iñigo Arrangi from the hands of the valley mayors.
Call for participation
In the face of the consequences of the Franco regime, with the tribute they want to demand justice, and for this they have prepared an act with bertsos, floral offerings, dances and music. Artists from all over the region, such as the International, will participate in the event.
The organizers have appealed to all the inhabitants of Debagoiena to take part in the event, and have made it clear that if next day the bad weather will be transferred to Biteri Square.
GOIENA will collect the event in its entirety to broadcast it on TV in the coming days.