A judge suspends fracking and oil drilling in the United States, citing climate change for the first time
  • A U.S. federal court has temporarily suspended drilling for oil and gas production on an area of 121,000 hectares on federal land in the state of Wyoming. The ruling states for the first time that when the Interior Department approved the tender it did not take into account the effect these practices could have on climate change, according to Democracy Now.
ARGIA @argia 2019ko martxoaren 22a
Wyoming estatuko zulaketa batzuk geratu ditu epaileak, klima aldaketa aipatuz.

Judge Rudolph Contreras believes that the government should take into account the consequences that these perforations can have on climate change and that it should not consider each case as an isolated and decontextualized case before granting permits.

According to the CNN newspaper, this decision could affect Trump’s intentions on the part of the European Commission. The president intends to open gas and oil rafts on the coast of Florida and California, which have already begun.

In the state of Wyoming, they use the fracking system to extract gas from the subsoil in many places.