Several student organizations reorganize the Forum to Fight international platform to "jointly respond to the offensive of the international bourgeoisie"
  • The international platform of students has highlighted the "capitalist crisis" as "a sign of identity of contemporary reality" and has reminded that those who suffer most from this situation are "working-class students". He stressed that "the response is combative and coordinated" and therefore stressed the importance.
Gedar @GedarLangileKZ 2020ko abenduaren 17a
Forum to Fighten 2016ko edizioa. Argazkia: Forum to Fight

The Forum to Fight (FtF) student platform has been reactivated by several student organisations across Europe, a press release has reported this weekend. According to the organizations that make up the plan, the capitalist crisis has left "exploitation and increasingly worse conditions" for students and school workers. In addition, in the context of COVID-19, they have highlighted the "direct dictatorship of the financial oligarchy", especially with regard to the "curtailment of rights" and the "criminalization of opponents".

Regarding the concrete form adopted by the phenomenon of the crisis in education, FtF points out that "it is adapting to the needs of the market, in line with its structural role". Consequently, European student organisations that make up the platform have warned that learning plans and educational curricula are being adapted to "ideologically and culturally prepare for future generations".

Internationalist organization

In the midst of this circumstance, FtF has stated that a "combative and coordinated response" is necessary. They have also demonstrated their willingness to promote international cooperation among student organizations so that "the struggle is more effective and takes place on a larger scale".


These are not the first steps on the European platform. In fact, in 2016, international meetings were held in Laudio (Álava) with the aim of establishing common bases and programs for student movements. On this occasion, you will have the opportunity to review the activity of recent years and to look at the challenges of the future.